Published Papers
Adjacencies on random ordering polytopes and flow polytopes Journal of Mathematical Psychology, accepted, joint with Jean-Paul Doignon. [arxiv]
The Multiple Choice Polytope (MCP) is the prediction range of a random utility model due to Block and Marschak (1960). Fishburn (1998) offers a nice survey of the findings on random utility models at the time. A complete characterization of the MCP is a remarkable achievement of Falmagne (1978). Apart for a recognition of the facets by Suck (2002), the geometric structure of the MCP was apparently not much investigated. Recently, Chang, Narita & Saito (2022) refer to the adjacency of vertices while Turansick (2022) uses a condition which we show to be equivalent to the non-adjacency of two vertices. We characterize the adjacency of vertices and the adjacency of facets. To derive a more enlightening proof of Falmagne Theorem and of Suck result, Fiorini (2004) assimilates the MCP with the flow polytope of some acyclic network. Our results on adjacencies also hold for the flow polytope of any acyclic network. In particular, they apply not only to the MCP, but also to three polytopes which Davis-Stober, Doignon, Fiorini, Glineur and Regenwetter (2018) introduced as extended formulations of the weak order polytope, interval order polytope and semiorder polytope (the prediction ranges of other models, see for instance Fishburn and Falmagne, 1989, and Marley and Regenwetter, 2017).
Approximate Expected Utility Rationalization 2022 Journal of the European Economic Association, accepted, joint with Federico Echenique (Caltech) and Taisuke Imai (LMU Munich). [pdf][online appendix]
We propose a new measure of deviations from expected utility, given data on economic choices under risk and uncertainty. In a revealed preference setup, and given a positive number e, we provide a characterization of the datasets whose deviation (in beliefs, utility, or perceived prices) is within e of expected utility theory. The number e can then be used as a distance to the theory. We apply our methodology to three recent large-scale experiments. Many subjects in those experiments are consistent with utility maximization, but not expected utility maximization. The correlation of our measure with demographics is also interesting, and provides new and intuitive findings on expected utility.
Testable Implications of Models of Intertemporal Choice:
Exponential Discounting and Its Generalizations 2020 American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (Previous title: Testable
Implication of Exponential Discounting)
joint with Federico
Echenique (Caltech) and Taisuke Imai (LMU Munich). [pdf][online appendix pdf]
We present revealed-preference characterizations of the most common models of intertemporal choice: the model of exponentially discounted concave utility, and some of its generalizations. Our characterizations take consumption data as primitives, and provide nonparametric revealed-preference tests. We apply our tests to data from two recent experiments and find that our axiomatization delivers new insights and perspectives on datasets that had been analyzed by traditional parametric methods.
The Relation between Behavior under Risk and over Time American Economic Journal: Insight 2 (1): 1-16 (This
paper subsumes "A Relationship between Risk and Time" and corrects a
result in "Strotz Meets Allais: Diminishing Impatience and the Certainty
Effect: Comment") joint with Anujit Chakraborty (UC Davis) and Yoram
Halevy (University of Toronto). [pdf] [online appendix pdf]
paper establishes a tight relation between non-standard behaviors in the
domains of risk and time, by considering a decision maker with non-
expected utility preferences who believes that only present consumption
is certain while any future consumption is uncertain. We provide the
first complete characterizations of the two-way relations between the
certainty effect and present biased temporal behavior, and between the
common ratio effect and temporal reversals related to the common
difference effect.
Random Intertemporal Choice 2018 Journal of
Economic Theory 177: 780-815 joint with Jay Lu (UCLA). [pdf]
We provide a theory of random intertemporal choice.
Choice is random due to unobserved heterogeneity in discounting from the
perspective of a modeler. First, we show that the modeler can identify the
distribution of discount rates uniquely from random choice. We then provide
axiomatic characterizations of random discounting utility models, including
exponential and quasi-hyperbolic discounting as special cases. Finally, we test
our axioms using recent experimental data. We find that random exponential
discounting is not rejected and the distribution of discount rates is
statistically indistinguishable across treatments.
General Luce Model 2018 Economic Theory joint
with Federico Echenique [pdf]
We extend the Luce model of discrete choice theory to
satisfactorily handle zero-probability choices. The Luce model (or the Logit
model) is the most widely applied and used model in stochastic choice, but it
struggles to explain choices that are not made. The Luce model requires that if
an alternative $y$ is never chosen when $x$ is available, then there is no set
of alternatives from which $y$ is chosen with positive probability: $y$ cannot
be chosen, even from sets of alternatives that exclude $x$. We relax this
assumption. In our model, if an alternative $y$ is never chosen when $x$ is
available, then we infer that $y$ is dominated by $x$. While dominated by $x$,
$y$ may still be chosen with positive probability---even with high
probability---when grouped with a comparable set of alternatives.
The Perception-Adjusted Luce model 2018 Mathematical
Social Sciences 93(1): 67–76 joint with Federico Echenique and Gerelt
Tserenjigmid (Virginia Tech). [pdf]
We develop an axiomatic model that builds on Luce's
(1959) model to incorporate a role for perception. We identify agents
perception priorities from their violations of Luce's axiom of independence
from irrelevant alternatives. Using such perception priorities, we adjust
choice probabilities to account for the effects of perception. Our
axiomatization requires that the agents' adjusted random choice conforms to
Luce's model. Our model can explain the attraction, compromise, and similarity
effects, which are well-documented behavioral phenomena in individual choice.
On path independent stochastic choice (Previous
Title: Average Choice) 2017 Theoretical Economics 13(1): 61–85 joint with David Ahn (UC
Berkeley) and Federico Echenique. [pdf]
We investigate stochastic choice when only the average
and not the entire distribution of choices is observable, focusing attention to
the popular Luce model. Choice is path independent if it is recursive, in the
sense that choosing from a menu can be broken up into choosing from smaller
submenus. While an important property, path independence is known to be
incompatible with continuous choice. The main result of our paper is that a
natural modification of path independence, that we call {\em partial path
independence}, is not only compatible with continuity but ends up
characterizing the ubiquitous Luce (or Logit) rule.
Response Time and Utility 2017 Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization 139(15): 49–59 joint with Federico
Echenique. [pdf]
Response time is the time an agent needs to make a
decision. One fundamental finding in psychology and neuroscience is that, in a
binary choice, the response time is shorter as the difference between the
utilities of the two options becomes larger. We consider situations in which
utilities are not observed, but rather inferred from revealed preferences:
meaning they are inferred from subjects' choices. Given data on subjects'
choices, and the time to make those choices, we give conditions on the data
that characterize the property that response time is decreasing in utility
Testing theories of financial decision making (Previous
title: Testable Implications of Translation Invariance and Homotheticity)
2016 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(15): 4003–370
joint with Federico Echenique and Chris Chambers (UC San Diego). [pdf]
version] [online
appendix (Proof of Theorem 4)]
We provide revealed preference axioms that characterize
models of translation invariant preferences. In particular, we characterize the
models of variational, maxmin, CARA and CRRA utilities. In each case we present
a revealed preference axiom that is satised by a dataset if and only if the
dataset is consistent from the corresponding utility representation. Our
results complement traditional exercises in decision theory that take
preferences as primitive.
Impure Altruism and Impure Selfishness 2015 Journal
of Economic Theory 158: 336–370. [pdf]
Altruism refers to a willingness to benefit others, even
at one's own expense. In contrast, selfishness refers to prioritizing one's own
interests with no consideration for others. However, even if an agent is
selfish, he might nevertheless act as if he were altruistic out of selfish
concerns triggered when his action is observed; that is, he might seek to feel
pride in acting altruistically and to avoid the shame of acting selfishly. We
call such behavior impurely altruistic . Alternatively, even if an agent is
altruistic, he might nevertheless give in to the temptation to act selfishly.
We call such behavior impurely selfish . This paper axiomatizes a model that
distinguishes altruism from impure altruism and selfishness from impure
selfishness. In the model, unique real numbers separately capture altruism and
the other forces of pride, shame, and the temptation to act selfishly. We show
that the model can describe recent experiments on dictator games with an exit
option. In addition, we describe an empirical puzzle that government spending
only partially crowds out consumers' donations, contrary to the prediction
based on standard consumer theory.
Savage in the Market 2015 Econometrica 83:
1457–1495. joint with Federico Echenique. [pdf]
We develop a behavioral axiomatic characterization of
Subjective Expected Utility (SEU) under risk aversion. Given is an individual
agent's behavior in the market: assume a finite collection of asset purchases
with corresponding prices. We show that such behavior satisfies a "revealed
preference axiom'' if and only if there exists a SEU model (a subjective
probability over states and a concave utility function over money) that
accounts for the given asset purchases.
Preferences for Flexibility and Randomization under
Uncertainty 2015. American Economic Review 105: 1246–1271.
An uncertainty-averse agent prefers betting on an event
whose probability is known, to betting on an event whose probability is
unknown. Such an agent may randomize his choices to eliminate the effects of
uncertainty. For what sort of preferences does a randomization eliminate the
effects of uncertainty? To answer this question, we investigate an agent's
preferences over sets of acts. We axiomatize a utility function, through which
we can identify the agent's subjective belief that a randomization eliminates
the effects of uncertainty.
Social Preferences under Risk: Equality of Opportunity
vs. Equality of Outcome 2013. American Economic Review 103: 3084–3101.
This paper introduces a model of inequality aversion that
captures a preference for equality of ex-ante expected payoff relative to a
preference for equality of ex-post payoff by a single parameter. On deterministic
allocations, the model reduces to the model of Fehr and Schmidt (1999). The
model provides a unified explanation for recent experiments on probabilistic
dictator games and dictator games under veil of ignorance. Moreover, the model
can describe experiments on a preference for efficiency, which seem
inconsistent with inequality aversion. We also apply the model to the optimal
tournament. Finally, we provide a behavioral foundation of the model.
Strotz Meets Allais: Diminishing Impatience and the
Certainty Effect: Comment 2011 American Economic Review 101: 2271–2275.
Halevy (2008) states the equivalence between diminishing
impatience (i.e., quasi-hyperbolic discounting) and the common ratio effect.
The present paper shows that one way of the equivalence is false and shows the
correct and general relationships: diminishing impatience is equivalent to the
certainty effect and that strong diminishing impatience (i.e., hyperbolic
discounting) is equivalent to the common ratio effect.