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Resources/RA and SURF Opportunity

Student Resources


I am looking for students who can help my research as an RA. I explained my project in the following [slide] and [video].  

Required skills:  I am looking for students who can satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Comfortable using Python;
  2. An undergraduate training on Linear Algebra and Real Analysis;
  3. An undergraduate training on Probability and Statistics and discrete mathematics;

The tasks that I will ask are discussion with me and my coauthors, programming, and mathematical analysis.  Here are [illustrations] of questions that I will ask. If you are interested in doing RA for me, please take a look at it and try to solve it.  Here is the example of [python code]
It is a great opportunity for students who are:

  1.  interested in how math and computer science can be used to analyze human behavior (especially, consumers' choice); or
  2.  considering going to graduate schools of economics.
Example:  Alec Sandroni worked for me through SURF projects when he was freshman.   Alec, Haruki Kono, and I could solve an important open problem of stochastic choice theory in economic decision making. [See the pdf in arxiv.] Alec has learned all stages to write an academic research paper; from the first stage of the paper (i.e., getting ideas and formulating mathematical models)  to the last stage (i.e., finishing the paper and presenting the paper at conferences).  Great work Alec!
Let me know if you have any questions by email.